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All Phones released in 2012

Collection of all phones released in 2012 listed on DeviceBeast. Get to know each of these phone specifications by visiting the phone dedicated pages.

Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket HD I757 poster

Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket HD I757 Specifications

4.65" Inch

8 MP


Samsung Exhilarate i577 poster

Samsung Exhilarate i577 Specifications

4.0" Inch

5 MP


Samsung Galaxy Nexus LTE L700 poster

Samsung Galaxy Nexus LTE L700 Specifications

4.65" Inch

5 MP


TI OMAP 4460

Samsung Galaxy S Blaze 4G T769 poster

Samsung Galaxy S Blaze 4G T769 Specifications

3.97" Inch

5 MP


Snapdragon S3

Samsung Galaxy Attain 4G poster

Samsung Galaxy Attain 4G Specifications

3.5" Inch

3 MP

512 MB RAM

Samsung Galaxy Nexus I9250M poster

Samsung Galaxy Nexus I9250M Specifications

4.65" Inch

5 MP


TI OMAP 4460

Samsung Star 3 Duos S5222 poster

Samsung Star 3 Duos S5222 Specifications

3.0" Inch

3 MP

Samsung Star 3 s5220 poster

Samsung Star 3 s5220 Specifications

3.0" Inch

3 MP

Samsung C3312 Duos poster

Samsung C3312 Duos Specifications

2.8" Inch

1.3 MP

Samsung I9070 Galaxy S Advance poster

Samsung I9070 Galaxy S Advance Specifications

4.0" Inch

5 MP

768 MB RAM

NovaThor U8500

Samsung Galaxy Pop Plus S5570i poster

Samsung Galaxy Pop Plus S5570i Specifications

3.14" Inch

3 MP

384 MB RAM

Snapdragon S1

Samsung Galaxy Ace Duos I589 poster

Samsung Galaxy Ace Duos I589 Specifications

3.5" Inch

3 MP


Samsung Galaxy mini 2 S6500 poster

Samsung Galaxy mini 2 S6500 Specifications

3.27" Inch

3 MP

512 MB RAM

Snapdragon S1

Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 I8160 poster

Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 I8160 Specifications

3.8" Inch

5 MP

768 MB RAM

NovaThor U8500

Samsung Galaxy Ace II X S7560M poster

Samsung Galaxy Ace II X S7560M Specifications

4.0" Inch

5 MP

768 MB RAM

Samsung W999 poster

Samsung W999 Specifications

3.5" Inch

5 MP

Snapdragon S3

Samsung Rugby Smart I847 poster

Samsung Rugby Smart I847 Specifications

3.7" Inch

5 MP

512 MB RAM


Samsung I8530 Galaxy Beam poster

Samsung I8530 Galaxy Beam Specifications

4.0" Inch

5 MP

768 MB RAM

NovaThor U8500

Samsung Galaxy Pocket S5300 poster

Samsung Galaxy Pocket S5300 Specifications

2.8" Inch

2 MP

Samsung Galaxy Pocket plus S5301 poster

Samsung Galaxy Pocket plus S5301 Specifications

2.8" Inch

2 MP

512 MB RAM

Samsung Galaxy Player 70 Plus poster

Samsung Galaxy Player 70 Plus Specifications

5.0" Inch

5 MP

Samsung U380 Brightside poster

Samsung U380 Brightside Specifications

3.1" Inch

3 MP

128 MB RAM

Samsung E2350B poster

Samsung E2350B Specifications

2.0" Inch

0.3 MP

Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III poster

Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III Specifications

4.8" Inch

8 MP


Exynos 4412 Quad

Samsung Galaxy S III CDMA poster

Samsung Galaxy S III CDMA Specifications

4.8" Inch

8 MP


Snapdragon S4 Plus

Samsung Galaxy S III I747 poster

Samsung Galaxy S III I747 Specifications

4.8" Inch

8 MP


Snapdragon S4 Plus

Samsung Galaxy S III T999 poster

Samsung Galaxy S III T999 Specifications

4.8" Inch

8 MP


Snapdragon S4 Plus

Samsung Focus 2 I667 poster

Samsung Focus 2 I667 Specifications

4.0" Inch

5 MP

Snapdragon S2

Samsung Omnia M S7530 poster

Samsung Omnia M S7530 Specifications

4.0" Inch

5 MP

384 MB RAM

Samsung I9500 Fraser poster

Samsung I9500 Fraser Specifications

4.65" Inch

8 MP


Exynos C210

Samsung Galaxy Proclaim S720C poster

Samsung Galaxy Proclaim S720C Specifications

3.5" Inch

3 MP

Samsung C3782 Evan poster

Samsung C3782 Evan Specifications

2.4" Inch

3 MP

Samsung C3780 poster

Samsung C3780 Specifications

2.4" Inch

3 MP

Samsung Galaxy Appeal I827 poster

Samsung Galaxy Appeal I827 Specifications

3.2" Inch

3 MP

512 MB RAM

Snapdragon S1

Samsung Galaxy Ace Duos S6802 poster

Samsung Galaxy Ace Duos S6802 Specifications

3.5" Inch

5 MP

512 MB RAM

Samsung Galaxy Ace Advance S6800 poster

Samsung Galaxy Ace Advance S6800 Specifications

3.5" Inch

5 MP

512 MB RAM

Samsung Galaxy I8250 poster

Samsung Galaxy I8250 Specifications

4.0" Inch

8 MP

512 MB RAM

Samsung U485 Intensity III poster

Samsung U485 Intensity III Specifications

2.4" Inch

2 MP

128 MB RAM

Samsung Galaxy Chat B5330 poster

Samsung Galaxy Chat B5330 Specifications

3.0" Inch

2 MP

Samsung E2252 poster

Samsung E2252 Specifications

2.0" Inch

0.3 MP
