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All Phones released in 2005

Collection of all phones released in 2005 listed on DeviceBeast. Get to know each of these phone specifications by visiting the phone dedicated pages.

XCute DV1 poster

XCute DV1 Specifications

3 MP

XCute DV2 poster

XCute DV2 Specifications

3 MP

VK Mobile VK800 poster

VK Mobile VK800 Specifications

1.3 MP

VK Mobile VK700 poster

VK Mobile VK700 Specifications

1.3 MP

VK Mobile VK570 poster

VK Mobile VK570 Specifications

0.3 MP

VK Mobile VK2000 poster

VK Mobile VK2000 Specifications

VK Mobile VK1000 poster

VK Mobile VK1000 Specifications

0.3 MP

VK Mobile VK1010 poster

VK Mobile VK1010 Specifications

0.3 MP

VK Mobile VK1020 poster

VK Mobile VK1020 Specifications

0.3 MP

VK Mobile VK3100 poster

VK Mobile VK3100 Specifications

2.2" Inch

0.3 MP

VK Mobile VK4500 poster

VK Mobile VK4500 Specifications

2.0" Inch

1.3 MP

VK Mobile VK300 poster

VK Mobile VK300 Specifications

1.8" Inch

Toshiba TS10 poster

Toshiba TS10 Specifications

0.3 MP

Toshiba TS803 poster

Toshiba TS803 Specifications

2.4" Inch

2.2 MP

Toshiba TS808 poster

Toshiba TS808 Specifications

2.4" Inch

1.3 MP

Toshiba TS921 poster

Toshiba TS921 Specifications

2.4" Inch

2 MP

Toshiba 903T poster

Toshiba 903T Specifications

2.4" Inch

2 MP

Telit C1000 poster

Telit C1000 Specifications

0.3 MP

Telit t210 poster

Telit t210 Specifications

1.8" Inch

1.3 MP

Telit t110 poster

Telit t110 Specifications

1.8" Inch

0.3 MP

Telit t410 poster

Telit t410 Specifications

0.3 MP

Telit t420 poster

Telit t420 Specifications

0.3 MP

Telit t550 poster

Telit t550 Specifications

1.3 MP

Telit SP600 poster

Telit SP600 Specifications

1.3 MP

Telit GU1100 poster

Telit GU1100 Specifications

0.3 MP

Sony Ericsson K600 poster

Sony Ericsson K600 Specifications

1.8" Inch

1.3 MP

Sony Ericsson J300 poster

Sony Ericsson J300 Specifications

1.5" Inch

Sony Ericsson D750 poster

Sony Ericsson D750 Specifications

1.8" Inch

2 MP

Sony Ericsson K750 poster

Sony Ericsson K750 Specifications

1.8" Inch

2 MP

Sony Ericsson W800 poster

Sony Ericsson W800 Specifications

1.8" Inch

2 MP

Sony Ericsson K608 poster

Sony Ericsson K608 Specifications

1.8" Inch

1.3 MP

Sony Ericsson W600 poster

Sony Ericsson W600 Specifications

1.8" Inch

1.3 MP

Sony Ericsson W550 poster

Sony Ericsson W550 Specifications

1.8" Inch

1.3 MP

Sony Ericsson J220 poster

Sony Ericsson J220 Specifications

1.55" Inch

Sony Ericsson J230 poster

Sony Ericsson J230 Specifications

1.55" Inch

Sony Ericsson P990 poster

Sony Ericsson P990 Specifications

2.7" Inch

2 MP


Samsung SCH-B100 poster

Samsung SCH-B100 Specifications

1.2 MP

Samsung S342i poster

Samsung S342i Specifications

0.3 MP

Samsung S410i poster

Samsung S410i Specifications

1.3 MP

Samsung X140 poster

Samsung X140 Specifications

1.5" Inch
