Intel Pentium 3550M Full Processor Specifications
A brief overview of Intel Pentium 3550M processor specifications and features.
This processor is using 22 nm process and it has 2 / 2 number of Cores/Threads. Do note that it also comes with an integrated Intel HD Graphics (Haswell) GPU.
Its overall TDP is 37 W and the architecture is Haswell. The memory type is DDR3/L/-RS 1333/1600 and it has max memory of 32 GB.
For the full features of this Intel Pentium 3550M name, do refer below.
Processor Specifications and Features
Complete specifications and features overview for Intel Pentium 3550M processor
- Base / Max CPU frequency
- 2.30 - 0.00 GHz
- Cores / Threads
- 2 / 2
- 37 W
- Integrated GPU
- Intel HD Graphics (Haswell)
- Base GPU frequency
- 400 MHz
- Max. operating temperature
- 100 °C
- Released
- Q4 2013
- Core / Architecture
- Haswell
- LL cache
- 2048 KB
- Lithography
- 22 nm
- Max. GPU frequency
- 1100 MHz
- Memory Type
- DDR3/L/-RS 1333/1600
- Max Memory
- 32 GB
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- 25.6 sec
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