Intel Core i7-7700HQ Full Processor Specifications

A brief overview of Intel Core i7-7700HQ processor specifications and features.

This processor is using 14 nm process and it has 4 / 8 number of Cores/Threads. Do note that it also comes with an integrated Intel HD Graphics 630 GPU.

Its overall TDP is 45 W and the architecture is Kaby Lake. The memory type is DDR4-2400, LPDDR3-2133, DDR3L-1600 and it has max memory of 64 GB.

For the full features of this Intel Core i7-7700HQ name, do refer below.

Processor Specifications and Features

Complete specifications and features overview for Intel Core i7-7700HQ processor

Base / Max CPU frequency
2.80 - 3.80 GHz
Cores / Threads
4 / 8
45 W
Integrated GPU
Intel HD Graphics 630
Base GPU frequency
350 MHz
Max. operating temperature
100 °C
Q1 2017
Core / Architecture
Kaby Lake
LL cache
6144 KB
14 nm
Max. GPU frequency
1100 MHz
Memory Type
DDR4-2400, LPDDR3-2133, DDR3L-1600
Max Memory
64 GB

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Laptops Using Intel Core i7-7700HQ Processor

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Acer Aspire V Nitro (VN7-593G) poster

Acer Aspire V Nitro (VN7-593G) Full Specifications

391 x 266 x 25 mm

Up to 256GB SSD + up to 1000GB HDD

Up to 16GB RAM

2.50 kg (5.5 lbs)

Acer Aspire V Nitro (VN7-793G) poster

Acer Aspire V Nitro (VN7-793G) Full Specifications

422 x 298 x 25 mm

Up to 512GB SSD + up to 1000GB HDD

Up to 16GB RAM

3.10 kg (6.8 lbs)

Alienware 13 R3 poster

Alienware 13 R3 Full Specifications

330 x 269 x 22 mm

Up to 4000GB SSD + up to 1000GB HDD

Up to 32GB RAM

2.63 kg (5.8 lbs)

Acer Aspire 7 (15.6", A715-71G/72G) poster

Acer Aspire 7 (15.6", A715-71G/72G) Full Specifications

382 x 263 x 23.95 mm

Up to 2000GB SSD + up to 2000GB HDD

Up to 32GB RAM

2.40 kg (5.3 lbs)

Acer Predator 17 X (GX-792) poster

Acer Predator 17 X (GX-792) Full Specifications

423 x 322 x 45 mm

Up to 512GB SSD + up to 1000GB HDD

Up to 32GB RAM

4.55 kg (10 lbs)

Acer Nitro 5 (AN515-53/52/51/41/31) poster

Acer Nitro 5 (AN515-53/52/51/41/31) Full Specifications

390 x 268 x 27 mm

Up to 2000GB SSD + up to 2000GB HDD

Up to 32GB RAM

2.48 kg (5.5 lbs)

Acer Aspire VX 15 (VX5-591G) poster

Acer Aspire VX 15 (VX5-591G) Full Specifications

389 x 267 x 28 mm

Up to 1000GB SSD + up to 1000GB HDD

Up to 32GB RAM

2.50 kg (5.5 lbs)

Acer Nitro 5 (AN515-54) poster

Acer Nitro 5 (AN515-54) Full Specifications

363 x 255 x 25.9 mm

Up to 2000GB SSD + up to 2000GB HDD

Up to 64GB RAM

2.30 kg (5.1 lbs)

Acer Predator 15 (G9-593) poster

Acer Predator 15 (G9-593) Full Specifications

391 x 300 x 38.6 mm

Up to 1000GB SSD + up to 1000GB HDD

Up to 16GB RAM

3.70 kg (8.2 lbs)

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Acer Predator Helios 300 (17", PH317-51/52) Full Specifications

432 x 290 x 29 mm

Up to 1000GB SSD + up to 2000GB HDD

Up to 32GB RAM

2.96 kg (6.5 lbs)

Acer Predator 17 (G9-793) poster

Acer Predator 17 (G9-793) Full Specifications

423 x 322 x 40 mm

Up to 512GB SSD + up to 2000GB HDD

Up to 32GB RAM

4.20 kg (9.3 lbs)

Acer Aspire 7 (A717-71G/72G) poster

Acer Aspire 7 (A717-71G/72G) Full Specifications

423 x 290 x 28.25 mm

Up to 2000GB SSD + up to 2000GB HDD

Up to 32GB RAM

3.04 kg (6.7 lbs)

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Intel Core i7-7700HQ Processor Benchmark

List of all benchmark results for Intel Core i7-7700HQ for Cinebench R20 (Multi) and Adobe Photoshop

Cinebench R20 (Multi)
Adobe Photoshop
10.8 sec


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