AMD A8-7100 Full Processor Specifications

A brief overview of AMD A8-7100 processor specifications and features.

This processor is using 28 nm process and it has 4 / 4 number of Cores/Threads. Do note that it also comes with an integrated AMD Radeon R5 (Kaveri) GPU.

Its overall TDP is 19 W and the architecture is Kaveri. The memory type is DDR3-1600

For the full features of this AMD A8-7100 name, do refer below.

Processor Specifications and Features

Complete specifications and features overview for AMD A8-7100 processor

Base / Max CPU frequency
1.80 - 3.00 GHz
Cores / Threads
4 / 4
19 W
Integrated GPU
AMD Radeon R5 (Kaveri)
Base GPU frequency
514 MHz
Max. operating temperature
Q2 2014
Core / Architecture
LL cache
4096 KB
28 nm
Max. GPU frequency
626 MHz
Memory Type
Max Memory

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