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Intel Arc A550M Full GPU Specifications

A brief overview of Intel Arc A550M GPU specifications and features.

This GPU is using 6 nm process and it's memory is using GDDR6. The memory capacity is 8 GB and has a power consumptions of up to 80 W with a memory bandwith of 224 GB/sec. This GPU is released on Q1 2022.

For the full features of this Intel Arc A550M, do refer below.

Processor Specifications and Features

Complete specifications and features overview for Intel Arc A550M GPU

Manufacturing Process
6 nm
Alchemist / Xe HPG
Base frequency
900 MHz
Memory Type
Memory Frequency
14000 MHz
Memory bandwidth
224 GB/sec
Q1 2022
Power consumption
up to 80 W
Maximum frequency
Memory Capacity
8 GB
Memory bus
Supported Technologies
DirectX 12 Ultimate Ray-Tracing Variable Rate Shading (VRS) Vulkan 1.3 OpenGL 4.6 Adaptive Sync

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Intel Arc A550M Processor Benchmark

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