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Palm poster

Other Palm devices

Other Palm devices listing on DeviceBeast. There are 52 devices altogether, find out more of these device category from the tabs below.

Palm Treo 700w poster

Palm Treo 700w Specifications

240x240 pixels

1800 mAh battery

32 MiB RAM, 25.45 MiB user accessible RAM

1.3 MP camera

Palm Treo 750v poster

Palm Treo 750v Specifications

240x240 pixels

1200 mAh battery

64 MiB RAM, 49.35 MiB user accessible RAM

1.3 MP camera

Palm Treo 700wx poster

Palm Treo 700wx Specifications

240x240 pixels

1800 mAh battery

64 MiB RAM, 57.48 MiB user accessible RAM

1.3 MP camera

Palm Treo 750 poster

Palm Treo 750 Specifications

240x240 pixels

1200 mAh battery

64 MiB RAM, 49 MiB user accessible RAM

1.3 MP camera

Palm Treo 500v poster

Palm Treo 500v Specifications

320x240 pixels

1200 mAh battery

64 MiB RAM

1.9 MP camera

Palm m100 poster

Palm m100 Specifications

160x160 pixels


Palm m105 poster

Palm m105 Specifications

160x160 pixels


Palm IIIc poster

Palm IIIc Specifications

160x160 pixels


Palm IIIxe poster

Palm IIIxe Specifications

160x160 pixels


Palm VIIx poster

Palm VIIx Specifications

160x160 pixels


Palm m500 poster

Palm m500 Specifications

160x160 pixels


Palm m505 poster

Palm m505 Specifications

160x160 pixels


Palm m515 poster

Palm m515 Specifications

160x160 pixels

16 MiB RAM, 15.7 MiB user accessible RAM

Palm i705 poster

Palm i705 Specifications

160x160 pixels


Palm m125 poster

Palm m125 Specifications

160x160 pixels


Palm Tungsten T poster

Palm Tungsten T Specifications

320x320 pixels

900 mAh battery

16 MiB RAM, 14 MiB user accessible RAM

Palm m130 poster

Palm m130 Specifications

160x160 pixels


Palm Zire poster

Palm Zire Specifications

160x160 pixels

600 mAh battery

2 MiB RAM, 1.8 MiB user accessible RAM

Palm Tungsten W poster

Palm Tungsten W Specifications

320x320 pixels

1500 mAh battery

16 MiB RAM, 14.8 MiB user accessible RAM

Palm Tungsten C poster

Palm Tungsten C Specifications

320x320 pixels

1500 mAh battery

64 MiB RAM, 51 MiB user accessible RAM

Palm Treo 800w poster

Palm Treo 800w Specifications

320x320 pixels

1150 mAh battery

128 MiB RAM

1.9 MP camera

Palm Zire 71 poster

Palm Zire 71 Specifications

320x320 pixels

900 mAh battery

16 MiB RAM, 13.8 MiB user accessible RAM

0.3 MP camera

Palm Tungsten T2 poster

Palm Tungsten T2 Specifications

320x320 pixels

900 mAh battery

32 MiB RAM, 29.5 MiB user accessible RAM

Palm Treo 500 poster

Palm Treo 500 Specifications

320x240 pixels

1200 mAh battery

64 MiB RAM

1.9 MP camera

Palm Zire 21 poster

Palm Zire 21 Specifications

160x160 pixels

8 MiB RAM, 7.2 MiB user accessible RAM

Palm Tungsten T3 poster

Palm Tungsten T3 Specifications

480x320 pixels

900 mAh battery

64 MiB RAM, 51.6 MiB user accessible RAM

Palm Tungsten E poster

Palm Tungsten E Specifications

320x320 pixels

32 MiB RAM, 28.3 MiB user accessible RAM

Palm TX poster

Palm TX Specifications

320x480 pixels

1250 mAh battery

32 MiB RAM

Palm Z22 poster

Palm Z22 Specifications

160x160 pixels

16 MiB RAM

Palm Treo 680 poster

Palm Treo 680 Specifications

324x324 pixels

1200 mAh battery

64 MiB RAM

0.3 MP camera

Palm Treo 700p poster

Palm Treo 700p Specifications

320x320 pixels

1800 mAh battery

64 MiB RAM

1.3 MP camera

Palm Treo 755p poster

Palm Treo 755p Specifications

320x320 pixels

1600 mAh battery

64 MiB RAM

1.3 MP camera

Palm Centro 685 GSM poster

Palm Centro 685 GSM Specifications

320x320 pixels

1150 mAh battery

64 MiB RAM

1.3 MP camera

Palm Centro 690p CDMA poster

Palm Centro 690p CDMA Specifications

320x320 pixels

1150 mAh battery

64 MiB RAM

1.3 MP camera

Palm Treo Pro poster

Palm Treo Pro Specifications

320x320 pixels

1500 mAh battery

128 MiB RAM

1.9 MP camera

Palm Pre poster

Palm Pre Specifications

320x480 pixels

1150 mAh battery

256 MiB RAM

3.1 MP camera

Palm Pre GSM EU poster

Palm Pre GSM EU Specifications

320x480 pixels

256 MiB RAM

3.1 MP camera

Palm Treo Pro CDMA poster

Palm Treo Pro CDMA Specifications

320x320 pixels

1500 mAh battery

128 MiB RAM

1.9 MP camera

Palm Pixi poster

Palm Pixi Specifications

320x400 pixels

1150 mAh battery

256 MiB RAM

1.9 MP camera

Palm Centro 690 CDMA poster

Palm Centro 690 CDMA Specifications

320x320 pixels

1150 mAh battery

64 MiB RAM

1.3 MP camera
