Other Nvidia devices
Other Nvidia devices listing on DeviceBeast. There are 10 devices altogether, find out more of these device category from the tabs below.
NVIDIA Tegra Note P1640 Specifications
1280x800 pixels
1024 MiB RAM
5.0 MP camera
NVIDIA Advent Vega Tegra Note 7 Specifications
1280x800 pixels
1024 MiB RAM
5.0 MP camera
NVIDIA Tegra Note 7 3G Specifications
1280x800 pixels
1024 MiB RAM
5.0 MP camera
NVIDIA Tegra Note 7 LTE-EU Specifications
1280x800 pixels
1024 MiB RAM
5.0 MP camera
NVIDIA Tegra Note 7 LTE-US P1988 Specifications
1280x800 pixels
1024 MiB RAM
5.0 MP camera
NVIDIA Shield Tablet WiFi 16GB Specifications
1200x1920 pixels
2048 MiB RAM
5.0 MP camera
NVIDIA Shield Tablet NA LTE Specifications
1200x1920 pixels
2048 MiB RAM
5.0 MP camera
NVIDIA Shield Tablet LTE Specifications
1200x1920 pixels
2048 MiB RAM
5.0 MP camera
NVIDIA Shield Tablet WiFi 32GB Specifications
1200x1920 pixels
2048 MiB RAM
5.0 MP camera
NVIDIA Shield Tablet K1 WiFi 16GB Specifications
1200x1920 pixels
2048 MiB RAM
5.0 MP camera