Other Garmin-Asus devices
Other Garmin-Asus devices listing on DeviceBeast. There are 7 devices altogether, find out more of these device category from the tabs below.
Garmin-Asus nuvifone M20 4GB Specifications
480x640 pixels
920 mAh battery
128 MiB RAM
3.1 MP camera
Garmin-Asus nuvifone G60 Specifications
272x480 pixels
1200 mAh battery
128 MiB RAM
3.1 MP camera
Garmin-Asus nuvifone M20 4GB NA Specifications
480x640 pixels
920 mAh battery
128 MiB RAM
3.1 MP camera
Garmin-Asus nuvifone M10 Specifications
480x800 pixels
1500 mAh battery
512 MiB RAM, 355.59 MiB user accessible RAM
4.9 MP camera
Garmin-Asus nuvifone A10 Specifications
320x480 pixels
1500 mAh battery
512 MiB RAM
4.9 MP camera
Garmin-Asus nuvifone A50 Specifications
320x480 pixels
1150 mAh battery
256 MiB RAM
3.1 MP camera
Garmin-Asus nuvifone M10 NA Specifications
480x800 pixels
1500 mAh battery
512 MiB RAM
4.9 MP camera