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Listing of All Phones

All Phones listed on DeviceBeast. Get to know phone model specifications in detailed precision. We have all of the specifications for Apple, Asus, Huawei, Lenovo, LG, Motorola, Nokia, OnePlus, Oppo, Samsung, Xiaomi, ZTE and more devices so check them out.
alcatel OT-208 poster

alcatel OT-208 Specifications

1.45" Inch

alcatel OT-880 One Touch XTRA poster

alcatel OT-880 One Touch XTRA Specifications

2.4" Inch

2 MP

alcatel Miss Sixty poster

alcatel Miss Sixty Specifications

2.4" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-909 One Touch MAX poster

alcatel OT-909 One Touch MAX Specifications

2.8" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-206 poster

alcatel OT-206 Specifications

1.5" Inch

0.3 MP

alcatel OT-216 poster

alcatel OT-216 Specifications

1.5" Inch

0.3 MP

alcatel OT-108 poster

alcatel OT-108 Specifications

1.32" Inch

alcatel OT-710 poster

alcatel OT-710 Specifications

2.83" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-252 poster

alcatel OT-252 Specifications

1.8" Inch

alcatel OT-255 poster

alcatel OT-255 Specifications

1.8" Inch

alcatel OT-606 One Touch CHAT poster

alcatel OT-606 One Touch CHAT Specifications

2.2" Inch

0.3 MP

alcatel OT-808 poster

alcatel OT-808 Specifications

2.4" Inch

2 MP

alcatel Net poster

alcatel Net Specifications

2.4" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-706 poster

alcatel OT-706 Specifications

2.4" Inch

1.3 MP

alcatel OT-105 poster

alcatel OT-105 Specifications

1.32" Inch

alcatel OT-109 poster

alcatel OT-109 Specifications

1.32" Inch

alcatel OT-112 poster

alcatel OT-112 Specifications

1.32" Inch

alcatel OT-113 poster

alcatel OT-113 Specifications

1.32" Inch

alcatel OT-117 poster

alcatel OT-117 Specifications

1.32" Inch

alcatel OT-209 poster

alcatel OT-209 Specifications

1.45" Inch

alcatel OT-213 poster

alcatel OT-213 Specifications

1.45" Inch

alcatel OT-217 poster

alcatel OT-217 Specifications

1.45" Inch

alcatel OT-223 poster

alcatel OT-223 Specifications

1.45" Inch

alcatel OT-306 poster

alcatel OT-306 Specifications

1.45" Inch

0.3 MP

alcatel OT-330 poster

alcatel OT-330 Specifications

1.8" Inch

alcatel OT 355 poster

alcatel OT 355 Specifications

alcatel OT-361 poster

alcatel OT-361 Specifications

1.77" Inch

0.3 MP

alcatel OT-385 poster

alcatel OT-385 Specifications

2.0" Inch

0.3 MP

alcatel OT-506 poster

alcatel OT-506 Specifications

1.77" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-585 poster

alcatel OT-585 Specifications

2.0" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-602 poster

alcatel OT-602 Specifications

2.4" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-665 poster

alcatel OT-665 Specifications

1.77" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-690 poster

alcatel OT-690 Specifications

2.0" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-799 Play poster

alcatel OT-799 Play Specifications

2.4" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-803 poster

alcatel OT-803 Specifications

2.4" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-807 poster

alcatel OT-807 Specifications

2.8" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-813D poster

alcatel OT-813D Specifications

2.4" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-813F poster

alcatel OT-813F Specifications

2.4" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-818 poster

alcatel OT-818 Specifications

3.2" Inch

2 MP

alcatel OT-888 poster

alcatel OT-888 Specifications

3.2" Inch

2 MP
