All Grundig Display
Listing of All Grundig Display on DeviceBeast. There are 347 display altogether, find out more of these device category from the tabs below.
Grundig 49VLE5523 - 48.5" TV Specifications
1920 x 1080 pixel
49" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 43VLE5523 - 42.5" TV Specifications
1920 x 1080 pixel
43" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 32VLE5523 - 31.5" TV Specifications
1920 x 1080 pixel
32" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 55VLE5537 - 54.6" TV Specifications
1920 x 1080 pixel
55" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 49VLE5537 - 48.5" TV Specifications
1920 x 1080 pixel
49" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 43VLE5537 - 42.5" TV Specifications
1920 x 1080 pixel
43" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 55VLE6565 - 54.6" TV Specifications
1920 x 1080 pixel
55" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 49VLE6565 - 48.5" TV Specifications
1920 x 1080 pixel
49" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 43VLE6565 - 42.5" TV Specifications
1920 x 1080 pixel
43" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 32VLE6565 - 31.5" TV Specifications
1920 x 1080 pixel
32" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 55VLX8585 - 54.6" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
55" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 48VLX8585 - 47.6" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
48" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 55VLX8586 - 54.6" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
55" (inches)
120 Hz
Grundig 48VLX8586 - 47.6" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
48" (inches)
120 Hz
Grundig 55VLX8600 - 54.6" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
55" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 49VLX8600 - 48.5" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
49" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 40VLX8600 - 40" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
40" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 55VLX8681 - 54.6" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
55" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 49VLX8681 - 48.5" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
49" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 40VLX8681 - 40" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
40" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 65VLX8725 - 64.5" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
65" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 55VLX8720 - 54.6" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
55" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 49VLX8720 - 48.5" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
49" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 40VLX8720 - 40" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
40" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 65FLX9595 - 64.5" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
65" (inches)
120 Hz
Grundig 55FLX9595 - 54.6" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
55" (inches)
120 Hz
Grundig 65VLX9681 - 64.5" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
65" (inches)
120 Hz
Grundig 55VLX9681 - 54.6" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
55" (inches)
120 Hz
Grundig 49VLX9681 - 48.5" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
49" (inches)
120 Hz
Grundig 55VLX8650 - 54.6" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
55" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 49VLX8650 - 48.5" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
49" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 65VLX9600 - 64.5" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
65" (inches)
120 Hz
Grundig 55VLX9600 - 54.6" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
55" (inches)
120 Hz
Grundig 49VLX9600 - 48.5" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
49" (inches)
120 Hz
Grundig 65VLX9650 - 64.5" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
65" (inches)
120 Hz
Grundig 55VLX9650 - 54.6" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
55" (inches)
120 Hz
Grundig 49VLX9650 - 48.5" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
49" (inches)
120 Hz
Grundig 65VLO9790 - 64.5" TV Specifications
3840 x 2160 pixel
65" (inches)
120 Hz
1 ms
Grundig 55VLE5620 - 54.6" TV Specifications
1920 x 1080 pixel
55" (inches)
60 Hz
Grundig 49VLE5620 - 48.5" TV Specifications
1920 x 1080 pixel
49" (inches)
60 Hz